Warning This Factor Causes Diabetes alert Symptoms You Must Know

Not many people know how to recognize whether their blood sugar levels has exceeded the normal threshold, unless they do further examination is medically. Not many others understand what kind of diabetes mellitus symptoms, so the disease is not detected until the end organ damage.

If you are suffering from type 1 diabetes then it usually will symptoms appear sooner, perhaps within a few days or weeks after a problem occurs the insulin in your body. The characteristics of type 1 diabetes is also much heavier than type 2.

Type 1 diabetes or type 2 has a number of warning signs. But the symbols could have been too mild to hard to be known, especially in type 2 diabetes. Here are the signs of diabetes who need to look out for:

Your body is changing the food eaten into blood sugar (glucose) that is used by the body's cells as energy. However, the cells of the body need glucose insulin in order to receive it.

If your body does not create quite a lot of insulin, or if your body's cells become resistant to insulin is created, then glucose can't get into Your cells and so don't have enough energy. As a result, one of the characteristics of diabetes experienced is feeling very hungry and tired more than normal.

Normal people usually pee as much as 4-7 times within 24 hours, but if You suffer from diabetes should perhaps more often again back and forth the bathrooms.

Why? The body normally absorbs glucose while it flows through the kidneys. But when conditions improve diabetes glucose levels, your body may not be able to absorb it all. This is compensated by the body that tried to get rid of the extra glucose by making more urine, and it also makes the body take in more bodily fluids.
As a result You so much sounds like. Therefore, you are so much more easy to feel very thirsty. And because you should drink more, you so makin sounds like again. So it sounds like the complaint of curigailah as one of the signs of diabetes.

Because the body uses a fluid to make urine, it causes the body's moisture less for other things. You can experience dehydration and mouth also feels dry. The skin also becomes dry and eventually trigger the itching.

Changes in the levels of fluid in the body could result in the lens of the eye to swell. The lens of the eye can change shape and lose their ability to focus.

The symptoms of DIABETES type 2 SPECIAL
As already mentioned, the signs of type 2 diabetes could have been too mild to difficult to detect. These diabetes symptoms often appear after glucose levels You are left high in a long time.

Both men and women sufferers daibetes can experience a yeast infection. Mushrooms eat glucose, that means if the body has a lot of glucose yeast growth increasingly fertile.

Infection can happen in parts of the fold of skin that is warm and humid, such as between fingers and toes, under the breasts, or around the vital organs.

High blood sugar levels over time can affect your blood flow and cause nerve damage which complicate the body to heal wounds.

Pain or numbing was also the result of other nerve damage caused by diabetes.

The symptoms of DIABETES SPECIALLY type 1
Although the characteristics of diabetes type 1 and type 2 is generally similar, but nonetheless there are a few differences worth noting. Some of the symptoms experienced by sufferers of type 1 diabetes is not experienced by sufferers of type 2. Here is a sample from any of these symptoms:

If your body does not get energy from food, the body starts to eat away muscle and fat as a source of energy. That's why you're so lost weight even though there is no different from your diet.

When the body begins to suck energy from fats, the body creates "ketones". Ketones-ketone can accumulate in the blood until the extent of harm, even life-threatening condition called Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Ketones can also make you feel stomach pain and then nausea and vomiting.

As you already know very well with the condition of your body, now is the time to seek treatment. True, the doctor was the first person who can help you. But, there is no harm if you tried herbal remedies.

It would be better if this herbal medicine diabetes diet menu to accompany you, even complete the recipe given doctor. You prepare a menu low in carbohydrates and fat and show him with drinks or other foods that can lower the levels of sugar in the blood, for example fruit Noni, green tea (drunk without sugar), and cinnamon.

Knowing the characteristics of diabetes is very important, so we can detect early disease whether there already exists in our bodies or not. If we find out early, certainly does not need any worries of impending diabetes mellitus chronic, no matter whether we have diabetes type one or two. You agree?

What if you or the person you loved is already showing signs of diabetes? As already mentioned above, Noni juice can help you. Noni juice users who routinely drink this herbal blood sugar levels admit that can remain stable and greatly helped overcome their diabetes symptoms.

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