Benefits of orange juice More Than Vitamin C Supplements

The benefits of vitamin C supplements are not worth the benefits of pure orange juice. Research in Italy by the Division of Human Nutrition at the University of Milan shows that the benefits of orange juice to protect the body from free radical damage in DNA far outweigh the benefits of supplements vitamin C 150 milligrams.

The leader of the research, Serena Guarnieri, stated; "It seems that vitamin C is not the only chemical substances that are responsible for the protection of antioxidants." In Orange, vitamin C works closely with other phytochemical compounds, such as cyanidin-3-glucoside, flavanone, and carotenoids. Serena added, "But how their cooperation is still not clear."

Although it is unclear what kind of work the same vitamin C compound & phytochemicals, we still can get improved to protect our DNA. His tips: don't just rely on supplements of vitamin C, because there are more benefits of pure orange juice (unsweetened) for the protection of our DNA.

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