10 Serious Sicknes Behind The Problem of Weight Down Without Cause

Weight down a few pounds is a reasonable thing. The cause of the weight usually is due to diet or exercise. But it became a sign of peril if drastic weight loss down enough without a clear reason — you are not keep food or exercise routine.

Although weight loss as it may initially proved encouraging, but it is not something to be proud of. In fact, weight down without cause up to 5 percent of their body weight in less than 1 year are signs you may have a health problem.Weight plummeted to be regarded as a sign of the dangers, and you must consult the doctor immediately to find out the cause. Remember that the earlier a disease is known, then the greater the success rate of the treatment to be performed.

This article will help You be aware of at least 10 diseases cause weight down without cause. Let's see one by one


Diabetes is the cause of the weight down the public. It is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar levels increase, either because of a lack of insulin in the body or because of the inability of the body to respond to insulin.

Causes of weight happens in diabetics there is 2: too much water loss due to frequent urination, and the body is not able to absorb calories from sugar in the blood.

In addition, if there is a shortage of insulin, the body starts to burn fat and muscle to make energy, so weight loss overall.

A research in the year 2014 which was published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research reported that the drastic weight loss just common experienced by sufferers of type 1 diabetes or type 2 the undetected disease for a long time.

In addition to weight down without cause, beware also of other diabetes symptoms, for example, often sounds like, excessive thirst, excessive hunger, tired of excessive bruising, cuts and a long recovery, and tingling in the feet and/or hands.

Weight went down suddenly in fact does not reduce the portion of a meal, or when appetite increases, probably is a sign of a thyroid disorder, especially hyperthyroidism.

On this type of thyroid disorder, an increase in the activity of the thyroid gland so that excessive production of thyroid hormones so into the blood stream.

The levels of thyroid hormone T4, T3, or both levels in the bloodstream can lead to an increase in metabolic rate that is too large, resulting in an increase in the rate of burning "fuel" in the body.

Despite complaints of weight, hyperthyroidism also can speed up the heart rate and menyebakan excessive sweating, hot flush, panic attacks, mood is unstable, eyes bulging look, weak muscles, and fatigue.


The cause of the weight down the other without a cause of heartburn. Actually, this is a symptom that is experienced by many ulcer sufferers.

Heartburn is caused by the presence of sores or ulcers that are painful on the upper part of the stomach lining or small intestine. These injuries cause pain so as to make people lose appetite.

So, the cause of the weight in the case of heartburn are loss of appetite, coupled with symptoms of nausea and vomiting — is also 2 other common symptoms of heartburn.

Some other symptoms of ulcers need to look out for is the feeling of fullness when eating new fast some bribes, chest pain, bloody or black stools, and fatigue.

Parasitic Infections

Parasitic infections in the colon is the cause of the weight came down suddenly. Several types of parasites live and forage in your body, and some of them survive from the food you eat. They include pinworms, hookworms, and tapeworms, which enters into the body through the skin or ingested from the mouth.

During the parasitic infection, you will experience an increase in appetite because the parasite consumes a large amount of food that you consume, so that you feel more hungry than usual. In addition, according to a study released by 2013 year PLOS, weight loss may be the body's way to fight infection worms. In addition to the symptoms of weight and increased appetite, other symptoms that need to be suspected is abdominal pain, diarrhea, itching in the anal, limp, and nutritional deficiencies.


Although it sounds strange, but apparently the depression can also be the cause of your weight down without cause. Mental disorder is indeed trigger the onset of feelings of sadness, loss, anger or frustration that can affect various aspects of daily life, including Your appetite. The result of the lack of appetite, then depression sufferers will also experience weight loss.

2008 year study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism reported worsening symptoms of depression are associated with decreased weight.

In addition to the weight goes down, other symptoms of depression that needs to look out for is the difficulty of concentration, negative thoughts, feeling hopeless and/or worthless, thoughts of suicide, and many more. But there is also the opposite of depression sufferers experienced weight gain.

Weight down without cause is one of the signs seen from the emergence of various types of cancer, including cancers of the prostate, breast, lung, pancreatic, ovarian, and colon cancer.

The growth of abnormal cells that uncontrollably speed up the metabolism of the body and straining your whole body because they drain resource-resource body, thus causing the weight loss. If the cancer cells start to spread, it can interfere with the function of various internal organs.

In addition, cancer can lead to chemical changes in the body are very difficult patients to gain weight, even though it's been running a high-calorie diet.

Cancer treatment can also lead to weight loss. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are often resulted in a decreased appetite. Also, they cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mouth ulcers and mouth that makes cancer patients difficult to eat.

In addition to weight down the symptoms and loss of appetite, you should suspect signs and symptoms of cancer, where the symptoms are different in each type of cancer.

Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease, was the cause of inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract. This is another disease that can be the cause of your weight down without cause.

Weight is a sign of malnutrition caused by lack of the required calories. This can happen due to a lack of appetite, impaired absorption of nutrients, and the loss of nutrients due to diarrhoea or intestinal bleeding.

Research of the year 1994, released in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that sufferers of Crohn's disease that her weight is down say that they enjoy eating less and not so hungering compared to sufferers who are not down his weight. Seen here that weight down more because of the reduced food intake rather than because of rising energy needs due to illness.

Some of the symptoms of Crohn's disease is another to be wary of is the constant diarrhea, low-grade fever, lack of energy, abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, and vomiting.


Weight without a cause also possible is a symptom of tuberculosis (TB). In fact, one of the early signs of a serious infectious disease this is the weight down, accompanied by a decreased appetite.

An infectious disease is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These bacteria are most often attacks the lungs, but can also attack other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, and the nervous system.

In addition, you should also be aware of the symptoms of tuberculosis, among others, another cough that lasts more than 3 weeks, exhausted extreme, fever, night sweats, and other symptoms that vary depending on the infected organ.
Dementia and Alzheimer's

The cause of the weight down the other dementia is an illness that is often experienced by parents. Although both appear to have nothing to do, but researchers have found a link between weight and Alzheimer's disease.

Research of the year 2005 at the Institute of Psychiatry in London concluded that weight loss in patients of dementia often begins even before the appearance of symptoms.

Other studies of the year 2014 at Corneel Weill Medical College indicate that the buildup of amyloid beta peptide in the brain interfere with the mechanism of weight management, thus causing weight gain down until a few years before Alzheimer's disease diagnosed.


Weight dropped drastically often experienced by sufferers of HIV. HIV is the same as other viruses, but the difference is the human immune system is not able to get rid of the HIV virus.

Instead, the virus destroys the immune system so that the body is no longer able to cope with infection or disease. If not treated on time, then HIV can develop into AIDS.

In addition to weight loss, beware also of other HIV symptoms such as fever, night sweats days, sore throat, muscle pain, rash (red spots on the skin), fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Losing large amounts of weight, even in a short time — even if you are not dieting or exercise diligent — definitely not something normal. Try to review anything you feel in addition to weight it down.

If you notice any other signs and symptoms of the disease such as the above, then we recommend that you immediately do the medical examination to the doctor. Do not ever leave, or even feel proud, if weight down without cause, because it could just be that signals a problem inside your body.

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